I can finally just relax and not go to work! I miss my american friends and everyone I didn't see in a while! I miss my city, I miss my friends, I miss starbucks!
how's it going ?
vineri, 5 august 2011
luni, 20 iunie 2011
new kids in town?
I realized that we no longer try to live our life, although we say we do!
Since I turned 13, I got my first personal e-mail address and I did it just because I wanted to feel "older" or more of an adult.
I was not aware of the facts that a job is more than fun, and more than just "were having fun as adults" kinda' thing!
These days, kids intend to become adults more and more quickly than I did.
I work at Starbucks.I have a client that comes almost every time in my shift.she is always getting a caramel cream frapp and I cant describe the way she acts like a grown up or a "mall girl".
I already heard 14 y/o girls talking about sex.
13 y/o girls shop till they drop dead with their parents money.
I don't know a 9 y/o kid without an email address or messenger.
I just dont wanna start about cell phones.everyone has them these days.
whats next?
how far down are we going with this adult life start?
its becoming sad.everything is moving way to fast!
Since I turned 13, I got my first personal e-mail address and I did it just because I wanted to feel "older" or more of an adult.
I was not aware of the facts that a job is more than fun, and more than just "were having fun as adults" kinda' thing!
These days, kids intend to become adults more and more quickly than I did.
I work at Starbucks.I have a client that comes almost every time in my shift.she is always getting a caramel cream frapp and I cant describe the way she acts like a grown up or a "mall girl".
I already heard 14 y/o girls talking about sex.
13 y/o girls shop till they drop dead with their parents money.
I don't know a 9 y/o kid without an email address or messenger.
I just dont wanna start about cell phones.everyone has them these days.
whats next?
how far down are we going with this adult life start?
its becoming sad.everything is moving way to fast!
miercuri, 15 iunie 2011
save changes?
mi-am dat seama cum isi bate viata joc de tine, cum te face sa delirezi, sa incerci lucruri noi chiar daca de multe ori speri ca de data asta va fi bine, ajungi din nou sa fi la pamant si sa ai nevoie de prieteni, nu numai ei de tine.
cand treci de la "in a relationship" to "single" iti spune ca relatia ta va fi "anulata" odata cu apasarea butonului "save changes". oricat de mult m-a durut sa salves schimbarile din viata mea, le-am salvat si mai mult.. a fost pentru ultima oara cand o sa fiu pe punctul de a-mi schimba viata printr-o optiune!
Doare cand vrei sa simti, si nu mai simti. feelingul pe care ti-l doresti dintr-o relatie, fericirea care ti-o da un apel de la persoana cealalta, un mesaj, un Buna Dimineata devreme.
In momentul in care toate dispar, le vrei inapoi dar nu sti cum sa le recuperezi.
Incerci sa ajungi sa fi macar pe linia de plutire, sa te ridici dar cazi si mai mult.
ii multumesti lui Dumnezeu ca te-ai prins din timp si nu te-ai lasa dezamagit, te-ai dezamagit singur.
nu cred ca mai exista vreo farama de iubire adevarata, sau daca exista..cu siguranta nu o sa o gasesc in trecut.
gandirea pozitiva persista.
multumesc M pentru tot!
cand treci de la "in a relationship" to "single" iti spune ca relatia ta va fi "anulata" odata cu apasarea butonului "save changes". oricat de mult m-a durut sa salves schimbarile din viata mea, le-am salvat si mai mult.. a fost pentru ultima oara cand o sa fiu pe punctul de a-mi schimba viata printr-o optiune!
Doare cand vrei sa simti, si nu mai simti. feelingul pe care ti-l doresti dintr-o relatie, fericirea care ti-o da un apel de la persoana cealalta, un mesaj, un Buna Dimineata devreme.
In momentul in care toate dispar, le vrei inapoi dar nu sti cum sa le recuperezi.
Incerci sa ajungi sa fi macar pe linia de plutire, sa te ridici dar cazi si mai mult.
ii multumesti lui Dumnezeu ca te-ai prins din timp si nu te-ai lasa dezamagit, te-ai dezamagit singur.
nu cred ca mai exista vreo farama de iubire adevarata, sau daca exista..cu siguranta nu o sa o gasesc in trecut.
gandirea pozitiva persista.
multumesc M pentru tot!
vineri, 10 iunie 2011
relationships, again.
this days got me thinking about relationships.
staying in bed after one month of good weather and hotness, being able to cover yourself with a blanket announces a bad weather, rain..and thunderstorms.
Yet again, trying to fall back in love with someone(and I mean falling back) its harder than it sounds, more exact, impossible after that period of 3 months when you try to forget about that person.
One big plate of food and two House episodes, you get in the perfect mood for love.
The love for yourself!
there are many kind of relationships: there are those that open you up to something new and exotic, those that are old and familiar, those that bring up lots of questions, those that bring you somewhere unexpected, those that bring you far from where you started, and those that bring you back. But the most exciting, challenging and significant relationship of all is the one you have with yourself. And if you can find someone to love the you-you love, well, that's just fabulous.
staying in bed after one month of good weather and hotness, being able to cover yourself with a blanket announces a bad weather, rain..and thunderstorms.
Yet again, trying to fall back in love with someone(and I mean falling back) its harder than it sounds, more exact, impossible after that period of 3 months when you try to forget about that person.
One big plate of food and two House episodes, you get in the perfect mood for love.
The love for yourself!
there are many kind of relationships: there are those that open you up to something new and exotic, those that are old and familiar, those that bring up lots of questions, those that bring you somewhere unexpected, those that bring you far from where you started, and those that bring you back. But the most exciting, challenging and significant relationship of all is the one you have with yourself. And if you can find someone to love the you-you love, well, that's just fabulous.

sâmbătă, 5 martie 2011
sure, as it can be.
Today I was siting home, watching my daily movie and then it hit me.
O opened my "very well known and used" messenger and there I got into wondering, would a long lasting and very short ending friendship rise again and be what it used to be?
Taking risks and chances is not the best choice in the "grammys" these days.
Is it that wrong to just draw a line and quit thinking about paste tense and just stick with the future?
Today is the day where I will let my past fall and help my future rise cause its no way I'm falling ever again.
O opened my "very well known and used" messenger and there I got into wondering, would a long lasting and very short ending friendship rise again and be what it used to be?
Taking risks and chances is not the best choice in the "grammys" these days.
Is it that wrong to just draw a line and quit thinking about paste tense and just stick with the future?
Today is the day where I will let my past fall and help my future rise cause its no way I'm falling ever again.
luni, 14 februarie 2011
duminică, 6 februarie 2011
a new something.

hmwaw, parca au trecut zeci de ani de cand nu am mai intraznit sa intind cateva randuri.
ma confrunt cu iarna, si parca asta imi ocupa tot timpul.cine simte la fel, speak up!
Ati observat cum anul acesta parca toti oameni s-au schimbat total, parca nimic nu mai e la fel, si eu sincer..vreau vechiul an inapoi!
cat si cattt mi-as dori sa pot da timpu' inapoi.
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