marți, 14 septembrie 2010

school started.

A inceput official scoala si totul a devenit deja monoton si plictisitor dupa doar 2 zile.
Tot facebooku` e plin de albume "memories" de prin summer'u nostru drag.
Tot e bine! vine, intelegeti voi, incerc sa gasesc o parte pozitiva in doar asa e frumos!
Imi era dor sa ascult 60's music.
Ma indragostesc din nou, alea alea.
same stuff!
Sunt pe val, pe nush ce, da sunt!
ps:colegii mei sunt tot la fel de faini, imi era dor de voi ba, si nah, pana ma obisnuiesc iar, ca dupa nu mai stiu cum sa scap de tot!

luni, 13 septembrie 2010

Its a new fresh READY-SET-GO!

When your young, your whole life is about the pursuit of fun.Then, you grow up and learn to be cautious.You could break a bone or a heart.You look before you leap and sometimes you don't leap at all because there's not always someone there to catch you.
And in life, there's no safety net.When did it stop being fun and start being scary?
So, tomorrow school starts, a new beginning, a step forward for us seniors, or whatever.
The main idea is that after this long and most awesome but expensive summer break I realized that I forgot how it is to be in school, so, its like I am going to the first grade, I am nervous and have butterflies in my stomach and also, cant sleep[like the others were not enough!]
I kinda miss my folks from school, cant wait to see them, news, new haircuts, new experiences and new fashion in town, cause thats what is all about, isn't it?
And I couldn't stop thinking about the fact that I will have my final exam this year, or next summer.That makes me feel in 3 ways: Angry, Nervous but Happy!
College, here I come!

luni, 6 septembrie 2010


so what started just like a friendship, it just turned around in other directions..
Involving all these people, gossip and cheat I realized that its all unnecessary and just relentless.
I thought that if I would just go to that point where friendship is enough, so there I am but its not that great because of all this facts that just try to set down the friend relationship to an other relationship.
And if that was not enough, its just like karma: what goes around, comes around..but hits you harder then expected.
The universe may not always play fair,
but at least it's got a hell of a sense of humor.
So much of what I have is wonderful so this is that and I am happy with it.
Being friends is just enough to make some people happy and some not.In this kind of situations you should just try to express your own feelings in a way that could never bother others, like a friend of mine said: You can do whatever you want, as long you don't hurt anyone.